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Welcome to our community website!

7/17/27 3:34pm

Attention: The next board meeting will be held at the Civic Center/Club House on July 27th at 9am. Please come and be a part of your neighborhood, meet your neighbors, and meet the new board members.  See you then!!

Please take a moment to welcome our new board members. 

Ralph Harless Jr 
Tom Messner 
Alejandro (Alex) Cavazos 
Daylon Giddens 
James Mullins was voted back in


Rick Havens 
Matt Redcay 
Sheila Craniotis 
J.R. Redcay 
Larry Lambert 
Roz Caldwell 
Laverle O'Neil
Jim Green

This Saturday is our final meeting of the year and the start of the new fiscal year with new board members. Please come out and meet our new members. Our annual budget meeting will be in July. 



It has come to the attention that the 2024 HLE Board Election Ballots have not been received by several people, be it that you have temporarily changed your address due to the flooding, or otherwise.
If you have not received your ballot, as posted before, please contact our bookkeeper as soon as possible to get a duplicate ballot!

Kay Hardy
(936) 329-3660
[email protected]


Posted on behalf of the Board Election Nominating Committee:
REMINDER: Election ballots were mailed by Kay Hardy, HLE’s Bookkeeper, on Thursday, May 23, 2024. If you have not gotten a ballot yet and you are a current legal property owner, please contact Kay Hardy by e-mail or phone immediately.
(936) 329-3660
The ballots will be picked up by a Deputy Constable on Friday, June 28th. Therefore, please mail you ballot as soon as possible if you haven’t already.
Texas Property Code Sec. 209.00594 - TABULATION OF AND ACCESS TO BALLOTS
(a) Candidate in an Election or a person related to a candidate within the third degree by consanguinity or affinity may not tabulate or otherwise be given access to ballots.
(Consanguinity = Parents, children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, great grandchildren, siblings, or siblings' children)
(Affinity = spouse of anyone related to candidate, and anyone related to candidates' spouse)
(b-1) - A person who tabulates votes or performs recount may not disclose to any other person how an individual voted. Note: A Non-Disclosure and Confidentiality Agreement will be signed by everyone on the Board Election Nominating Committee.
(c) - Only a person who tabulates votes or who performs recounts may be given access to ballots.
At NO time will a current board member tabulate or have access to any ballots as outlined in Sec. 209.00594 of the Texas Property Code. The Financial Chairperson is only present to answer any questions that the tabulators have. Your HLECC Board has ALWAYS adhered to these procedures and will continue to do so.
In addition, the Election Nominating Committee Chairperson has solicited 5-8 property owners or more (non-board members) for the tabulation process for counting ballots the morning prior to the June Annual Board Meeting, Saturday June 29th.
Texas Property Code 209.0057: A call for a recount of votes must be submitted in writing by verified mail or USP signatory confirmation and sent to the HLECC mailing address (P.O. Box 274, Goodrich, TX 77335) or hand delivered to the managing agent (Chairperson) no later than the 15th day after votes are tabulated. The person demanding a recount must pay, in advance via invoice the cost associated with the recount.


HLE friend & neighbors, the community pool will be open this weekend with sponsored swim time.  Saturday, Sunday & Memorial Day Monday with daily operation will be from 12PM-6PM.    
This is also a great opportunity to come by and pick up your membership form for the 2024 Summer Season. Summer schedule will begin Saturday, June 1st with plans to remain open Tuesday through Sunday weekly until September 2nd.
Family Membership - $75.00 (up to 5 members)
Individual Membership - $50.00
Daily Pass & Guests - $2.00

Posted on behalf of the Board Election Nominating Committee:

HLECC Board Election ballots were mailed by Kay Hardy, HLECC’s Bookkeeper, on Thursday, May 23, 2024 from the Goodrich Post Office.
You should be getting them in the mail in the next day or two.

If you do not get a ballot and you are a current legal property owner, please contact Kay Hardy by e-mail or phone immediately so that she can make sure your information is current in our database & mail a duplicate ballot if necessary.

[email protected]
(936) 329-3660

A separate P.O. Box has been rented to return ballots that will be different from the regular HLECC P.O. Box 274, Goodrich. The separate P.O. Box (#257, Goodrich, TX 77335) will be listed on the ballots.

You may also hand in your ballot at the Civic Center the morning of the election meeting (June 29th, 2024) by 8:00 am. Ballots received after 8:00 am, will NOT be counted. No exceptions.

NOTE: If you return your ballots to the regular HLECC P.O. Box 274, there is a good chance your ballot will NOT be counted. Kay picks up mail at P.O. Box 274 & she does not come to the annual meeting!
Please don’t forget to date & sign your ballot! According to our ByLaws & Texas State Statutes, an unsigned & undated ballot cannot be counted!



Again, , our HLECC Board decided to go ahead and proceed with our annual board elections. With the roads in the process of being repaired or already repaired, hopefully the mail service is relatively back to normal to receive & mail back the Election ballots.

The last couple of years, the return rate of the ballots has decreased & decreased! Last year, only about 75 ballots out of ALL of the property owners were returned! This is YOUR board!! As we have all witnessed over the past 3 weeks, they have gone above & beyond to help people in distress, (as well as other non-board volunteers), even though some of them were also flooded out! We have all been & continue to be forever grateful for their dedication to serve HLE!

Lets all continue to do our part in our community, be respectful & support our Board! PLEASE VOTE!!!


Note: the ballots will be mailed out no later than May 30th by our Bookkeeper, Kay Hardy. When they are mailed, another post will be made so you can look for them in your mailbox.

(1) A separate P.O. Box has been rented to return ballots that will be different from the regular HLECC P.O. Box 274, Goodrich. The separate P.O. Box (#257, Goodrich, TX 77335) will be listed on the ballots as a return address. You may also hand in your ballot at the Civic Center the morning of the election meeting (June 29th) by 8:00 am. Ballots received after 8:00 am, will NOT be counted. No exceptions.

NOTE: If you return your ballots to the regular HLECC P.O. Box 274, your ballot will NOT be counted. Kay, HLECC’s bookkeeper, picks up mail at P.O. Box 274 & she does not come to the annual meeting to bring any ballots.

(2) The Post Master will retain the key to the separate ballot P.O. Box #257 until the evening before the election. The ballots will be picked up by a Deputy Constable ONLY the evening before the June Annual Business Meeting and not prior thereto. The Deputy Constable will hold the ballots overnight and deliver them to the annual meeting prior to 7:30am for counting. No other person (s) will have access to the ballots at the Post Office at any time.

(3) According to State Statute, a ballot cannot be counted if not signed by the current record owner of the property. Please don’t forget to sign or your ballot is invalid.

(4) ARTICLES IX & X of our ByLaws (1st reading 8/25/2007 & 2nd reading 9/29/2007; 3rd reading & Vote on 10/27/2007; passed by residents in attendance). Corrected by the following:
CHANGE: Property is defined as platted tracts on which maintenance fees are paid. Voting rights shall be interpreted as follows:
1. Husband and wife as joint owners of property – one (1) vote.
2. Multiple owners as joint owners of property – one (1) vote.
3. Estate-owned shall be considered single property owner – one (1) vote
(5) Texas Property Code Sec. 209.0059. RIGHT TO VOTE: (a) A provision in a dedicatory instrument that would disqualify a property owner from voting in any property owners’ association election of board members or on any matter concerning the rights or responsibilities of the owner is void. “. NOTE: A legal property owner can vote regardless if they owe maintenance dues or not.

 Morning update, water came up last night in Holiday Lake and it looks to be still rising. The river has crested but with Lake Livingston so high I don’t expect the river to go down quickly. Water is back flowing in the pipe from the river to Ski Lake although the water is slightly flowing from Ski Lake to the river on the washed out road so it’s basically at a standoff.

 FEMA site it open for Polk County, make sure you put in your application

Since we're not going to have our monthly meeting this month, we are having a special meeting on Wednesday the 22nd at 6p.m.
 The purpose will be to finalizing the pool fees and schedule.  Please plan on attending. 

Due to our current circumstances we have decided to not have aour monthly meeting.
  Please reach out and help your neighbors. 


I know the the election is probably the last thing on people’s minds right now… just a quick reminder:
If you have recently bought property in HLE or have changed your mailing address & have not already notified our bookkeeper, please contact her as soon as possible so that she can get the HLE records updated. She will be sending out the election ballots by the end of this month!

If you are displaced & have temporary changed your address, I assume the Post Office will send your ballot to the forwarding address they have on file.

Kay Hardy Plus
[email protected]
(936) 329-3660



Posted on behalf of the Board Election Nominating Committee: More postings to come.

These have been very trying times for all of the residents/property owners of HLE, to say the least! At some point in time (hopefully very soon), life will start to return to normal, whatever that looks like now! Hopefully, the folks that have been flooded can start to rebuild their lives! Our hearts and prayers go out to each and everyone of you. It might be a longer road for some than others.

There is really no “good” time to post this, but there is a bit of a lull today, so here goes. Our HLE board debated on whether to try and postpone our annual board elections, but have decided to go ahead with it. We know that the postal service has been delayed or stopped for some, altogether. With the roads in the process of being repaired, hopefully the mail service will get back to normal.

I know this is probably the last thing on peoples’ minds right now, but we respectfully ask that people please look out for your ballots around the end of this month and VOTE! The last couple of years, the return rate of the ballots has decreased & decreased! Last year, only about 75 ballots out of ALL of the property owners were returned! That’s not a very good turn-out! This is YOUR board!! Lets all continue to do our part in our community! PLEASE VOTE!


(1) A separate P.O. Box has been rented to return ballots that will be different from the regular HLECC P.O. Box 274, Goodrich. The separate P.O. Box (#257, Goodrich, TX 77335) will be listed on the ballots. You may also hand in your ballot at the Civic Center the morning of the election meeting by 8:00 am. Ballots received after 8:00 am, will NOT be counted. No exceptions.
NOTE: If you return your ballots to the regular HLECC P.O. Box 274, there is a good chance your ballot will NOT be counted. Kay picks up mail at P.O. Box 274 & she does not come to the annual meeting!

(2) The Post Master will retain the key to the separate ballot P.O. Box #257 until the evening before the election. The ballots will be picked up by a Deputy Constable ONLY the evening before the June Annual Business Meeting and not prior thereto. The Deputy Constable will hold the ballots overnight and deliver them to the annual meeting prior to 7:30am for counting.

(3) According to State Statute, a ballot cannot be counted if not signed by the current record owner of the property. Please don’t forget to sign or your ballot is invalid.

(4) ARTICLES IX & X of our ByLaws (1st reading 8/25/2007 & 2nd reading 9/29/2007; 3rd reading & Vote on 10/27/2007; passed by residents in attendance). Corrected by the following:
CHANGE: Property is defined as platted tracts on which maintenance fees are paid. Voting rights shall be interpreted as follows:
1. Husband and wife as joint owners of property – one (1) vote.
2. Multiple owners as joint owners of property – one (1) vote.
3. Estate-owned shall be considered single property owner – one (1) vote

(5) Texas Property Code Sec. 209.0059. RIGHT TO VOTE: (a) A provision in a dedicatory instrument that would disqualify a property owner from voting in any property owners’ association election of board members or on any matter concerning the rights or responsibilities of the owner is void. “. NOTE: A legal property owner can vote regardless if they owe maintenance dues or not.


This year, the Election Committee will NOT host a “Meet & Greet the Candidates”.

This informal meeting was designed to allow the property owners to come to the clubhouse to meet the board candidates, ask questions about where the candidates stand on issues of importance to our community & get to know them before the board election ballots are sent out, so you will know who you’re voting for.

Due to the lack of property owners’ participation in the last 2-3 years, this event will be cancelled. Last year only 3 property owners came.

Please remember: if you recently bought property in HLE or changed your address and have not notified our Bookkeeper, Kay Hardy, please do so immediately so that she can update the Property Owners’ database before the ballots are mailed towards the end of May. Labels for the ballots are printed out via this database to mail the Election ballots to all property owners.
Kay Hardy: [email protected]
Or (936) 329-3660


4/1/24 9:51am

Posted on behalf of the Board Election Nominating Committee: More postings to come.
Time is running short to submit your name as a board candidate!! Submit your name to: [email protected]
Please make certain that you have received an invoice for maintenance fees. If you did not get a maintenance fee invoice, chances are you won’t get a ballot. If you have moved recently, changed your current mailing address, or recently purchased your property in HLE, make sure that you have notified Kay Hardy at 936-329-3660 or [email protected] to verify she has your correct address and proof of ownership.
There are 4 board positions and 4 alternate positions available for this upcoming election in June.
The recommended filing deadline is on or before Midnight April 15, 2024 to allow for property ownership vetting prior to the April Board Meeting. According to HLECC Bylaws, qualified candidates are to submit their names to the Nominating Committee PRIOR to the last monthly meeting in April. You can announce your candidacy PRIOR to the commencement of the April Meeting (but not after the meeting is called to order).
Voting ballots will be mailed no later than 30 days prior to the June Annual Board Meeting by our bookkeeper, Kay Hardy. They will be mailed by May 30, 2024. If you do not get a ballot, please contact Kay Hardy immediately for a duplicate ballot. Any duplication of ballots will be identified at the time the ballots are tabulated.

***Dinner & Bingo this Thursday March 21st, 5:30PM @ the Clubhouse 

****HLECC Board Meeting this Saturday March 23rd, 9AM @ the Clubhouse

*****Thank you! Thank you!*****

To those who participated, worked, coordinated and supported the community WORKDAY!  We appreciate your help!  We welcome all of the community to get involved, no task too big or too small. 

Next Workday is Saturday April 20th @ 8AM, always the 3rd Saturday of the month, hope to see more of you there.

Workday Saturday at the clubhouse 8am. Hope to see ya'll there. 

3/14/24 3:23pm

Posted on behalf of the Board Election Nominating Committee: More postings to come.

April 15th, 2024 to submit your name for Candidacy for the HLECC board!

A hat draw of of all Candidates’ names at the Board Meeting the last Saturday in April will be done to determine their position on the ballots.

If you or someone you know has shown an interest in being a Candidate for the HLECC board, please go ahead & submit your name & a short bio to the Nominating Chairperson at [email protected] as soon as possible! Please spread the word if you know someone who is interested.

Please consider serving your community & making a difference! Looking for committed property owners with new and fresh ideas to serve on the HLECC board!

Again, there are currently 4 board positions and 4 alternate positions available for this upcoming election in June.


Workday on Saturday will be at the clubhouse.  Trimming trees and cleaning up.  Come on out and joins us at 9a.m

3/8/24  2:18pm

Posted on behalf of the Election Nominating Committee: (Brief Bio)
Thank you, Mr. Harless, for stepping up to be a Board Candidate!

Ralph Harless Jr
346 White Oak Dr
Goodrich,Texas 77335

Good evening. I am interested in throwing in my name for the candidacy. My wife and I are going on our third year of being residents here at Holiday Lake Estates. I have 25 plus years working in the construction and transport field and a couple years as a corrections officer. I have ideas I can bring to the table to enhance our HLE while respecting the privacy we all enjoy!

Ralph Harless Jr

🎶 🎵B I N G O, and Bingo was his nameo 🎵🎶

Come and join us for a night of neighborly fun. HLECC Pool Fundraiser Dinner & Bingo!  Thursday March 21st 5:30pm-7:30pm at the Clubhouse.  mpdSC5fD5K01WjiJ.jpg

Due to the last Saturday of the month being Easter weekend, we are moving the board meeting to Sat March 23rd.   Hope to see you there. 

3/4/24 12:09pm

Time is running short for HLECC Board Candidates (legal property owners only) to submit their name, address and phone #, and a brief bio for candidacy to Sharon Johnson Nominating Committee Chairperson at [email protected]. Candidates who send their submission via email will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours that their submission has been received.
Please consider serving your community & making a difference! Looking for committed property owners with new and fresh ideas to serve on the HLECC board!
There are currently 4 board positions and 4 alternate positions available for this upcoming election in June.
REMINDER: Please make certain that you have received an invoice for maintenance fees. If you did not get a maintenance fee invoice, chances are you WON’T get a ballot. If you have moved recently or recently purchased your property, please make sure that you have notified Kay Hardy at 936-329-3660 or [email protected] to verify she has your correct address and proof of ownership.
The time to check with Kay is NOW instead of waiting until the ballots go out!

2/26/2024 11:19am

Posted on behalf of the Board Election Nominating Committee:  More postings to come.

There are currently 5 board positions and 4 alternate positions available for this upcoming election in June.

Please consider serving your community & making a difference!

Legal property owners considering to be a candidate for the HLECC board should submit their name, contact information, and a brief statement about yourself to Nominating Committee at [email protected].   Candidates who send their submission via email will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours that their submission has been received.

REMINDER:  Please make certain that you have received an invoice for maintenance fees.  If you did not get a maintenance fee invoice, chances are you WON’T get a ballot.   If you have moved recently or recently purchased your property, please make sure that you have notified Kay Hardy at 936-329-3660 or [email protected] to verify she has your correct address and proof of ownership.

Posted on behalf of the Board Election Nominating Committee.    More Election postings to come.

“Upcoming 2024 Elections for HLECC Board Members”.

There are 4 board positions and 4 alternate positions available for this upcoming election in June.

Please consider serving your community & making a difference!


  1. The recommended filing deadline is on or before Midnight April 15, 2024 to allow for property ownership vetting prior to the April Board Meeting.  According to ​HLECC Bylaws, qualified candidates are to submit their names to the Nominating Committee PRIOR to the last monthly meeting in April.  You can announce your candidacy PRIOR to the commencement of the April Meeting (but not after the meeting is called to order).  In the April board meeting, a hat draw of the candidates’ names will be done to determine the order the Candidates’ names will appear on the ballots.


  1.   Legal property owners considering to be a candidate for the HLECC board should submit their name, contact information, and a brief statement about yourself to Nominating Committee at [email protected].  Candidates who send their submission via email will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours that their submission has been received.


  1. Candidates are encouraged to include a brief bio & statement of why you would like to be on the board (example:  your goal/mission, etc.) and what experience you can offer that can assist in that endeavor.   It is your opportunity to let people know who you are and why they should vote for you.   This is not a requirement but all “profiles” and candidates will be posted for voters to review on the official HLECC FB pages & the HLECC Website.


  1. All candidates must be current legal property owners.    NOTE:  Please make certain that you have received an invoice for maintenance fees.  If you did not get a maintenance fee invoice, chances are you WON’T get a ballot.   If you have moved recently or recently purchased your property, please make sure that you have notified Kay Hardy at 936-329-3660 or [email protected] to verify she has your correct address and proof of ownership.


  1. According to Texas Property Code Section 209.00591. BOARD MEMBERSHIP.  (b)  If a board is presented with written, documented evidence from a database or other record maintained by a governmental law enforcement authority that a board member was convicted of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude not more than 20 years before the date the board is presented with the evidence, the board member is immediately ineligible to serve on the board of the property owners' association, automatically considered removed from the board, and prohibited from future service on the board.   NOTE:  Background checks will NOT be conducted on candidates for board membership.


  1. A Husband, wife or anyone that co-habits with another cannot serve on the board at the same time per a State of Texas statutes.


  1. No one person can be a candidate and be on the Election Nominating Committee at the same time.

Next meeting is Sat Feb 24, 2024 @ 9am ~ come join your neighbors to see what steps we can take to make HLECC a great place to live.  We would like to invite a few more of the candidates to come speak after we finish the board meeting in February.  If you have someone you would like to hear from let me know.  We may even set aside one evening if needed.

HLE is looking to recruit YOU.  Starting this year, we want to form several committees to give more residents the opportunity to get involved.  We know that not everyone can come to our workdays.  What can you contribute to your community?  Ideally, we would like to leverage your skill set with your passion.  We all have a vested interest to bring HLE back to her glory days.  Here are just a few committees we have discussed.

Welcoming / community orientation committee
Beautification committee
Deed Restrictions committee
Adopt a Park / Adopt a Road committee
Elections committee

The sky's the limit.  Bring your ideas to our next board meeting or send us an email.  We all have something we can contribute, big or small.



Big shout out to Shelley for cleaning out and planting flowers in front of the clubhouse, adding decorative fall pumpkins, it looks beautiful. It's the collective efforts of all our residents that will bring HLE back to the glory it once was.

June 26, 2023

Election Update:

The Board Elections were this weekend and the results are in.

James Mullins stepped down as Chairperson as he said that he would when he took the position but will remain on the board, Beverly Havens stepped down from the board as did Beci Largent and Sharon West. Gloria Wicks withdrew from the race. Rick havens was elected Chairperson, Matthew Redcay - Vice Chair, Nancy Martin - Finance and Sheila Craniotis as Secretary. Election results are below.

Thank you to all that participated in the election.

The 2023-2024 Board as its stands right now is:




[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]


[email protected]

Leverle O'Neal

[email protected]

Cecilia Berlanga - Pool/Recreation

[email protected]


PHONE:  936-252-0696

Matthew G. Redcay Jr. - Parks/Aquatics

[email protected]


[email protected]

JAMES MULLINS – Internet/Webpage

[email protected]

Lawrence "Larry" Lambert

[email protected]


[email protected]



June 11, 2023

Pool Schedule for upcoming week! 06/12/23- 06/17/23
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: 2pm to 5pm
Wednesday: 2pm to 5pm
Thursday: 2pm to 5pm
Friday: 2pm to 5pm
Saturday: 2pm to 4pm (due to pool rental)
Sunday: 2pm to 5pm

May 22, 2023

Posted on behalf of the Board Election Nominating Committee:

Election ballots are being mailed by Kay Hardy, HLE’s Bookkeeper, today (Monday, May 22, 2023).

If you do not get a ballot within a week and you are a current legal property owner, please contact Kay Hardy by e-mail or phone immediately for a duplicate ballot. Note: if the original ballot & duplicate ballot are both mailed back to HLE Nominating Committee, this will be identified when the ballot counting takes place, and only 1 ballot will be counted.

[email protected]
(936) 329-3660

May 13, 2023


Due to the Memorial Day Holiday the monthly board meeting has been moved to Saturday May 20, 2023. 


May 13, 2023


211 Vote Outcome
456 ballots mailed, 211 returned with votes; 115 in-favor, 78 against, 18 not counted (Texas guidelines
not followed). The resolution did not pass due to the 2/3 threshold needed.


May 9, 2023



There will be an informal Meet & Greet the Candidates at the HLE clubhouse on May 13th (Saturday) from 10:30 am to 1:00 pm.

Just drop in, meet the new 2023 Board Candidates & ask them questions about where they stand on issues of concern to you! This will also give the candidates a chance to get to know our residents better.

Then, pop over to the HLEVFD to support our Fire Department’s fundraiser (food & auction)!

May 8, 2023

On Friday May 12, 2023 at 10am, the ballots for 211 will be counted at the HLE Club House. Mr. Lee Hon, former District Attorney for Polk County, has confirmed that he will be volunteering his services to assist in counting the 211 ballots after the Deputy picks the ballots up from the Post Office and delivers them to the Club House. HLE resident who would like to be present during the counting will be allowed however, no one can be disruptive or interfere during the counting process. Residents may ask any questions after the counting has been completed.  

April 20, 2023


Below is the bio submitted by Rick Havens for application to serve on the HLECC board.
Thank you Rick for your willingness to serve our community!

My name is Rick Havens and I am expressing my interest in becoming a board member on HLECC.

My wife and I purchased in HLE in Feb of 2019. We moved out here permanently in February of 2022.

I have been involved with the customer service industry since 1984. Starting with Continental and now with United. I was elected to represent our customer service work group comprising of over 15,000 employees. I met with our corporate headquarters with matters pertaining to our work group as well as working together with the other departments. We negotiated workrules, pay and workplace procedures. I represented employees in all levels of disciplinary process.

With almost 40 years in the customer service department, especially in the airline industry, you learn how to deal with just about everything. I feel that I have the ability to look at situations from all sides and come up with a solution that is equitable for all involved.

Whether we're on the board or not, my wife and I are committed to helping our community improve.

April 7, 2023

Posted on behalf of the Election Nominating Committee: More postings to come.


Please make certain that you have received an invoice for maintenance fees. If you did not get a maintenance fee invoice, chances are you won’t get a ballot. If you have moved recently or have recently bought property in HLE, make sure that you have notified Kay Hardy at 936-329-3660 or [email protected] to verify she has your correct address & reflects you are a property owner.

There are 2 board positions and 4 alternate positions available for this upcoming election in June.

Filing deadline is on or before Midnight April 15, 2023 to allow for property ownership vetting prior to the April Board Meeting. Legal property owners considering to be a candidate for the HLECC board should submit their name, contact information, and a brief bio about yourself to Nominating Committee at [email protected].
You should submit a bio so residents will have an idea of who you are & why you would like for them to vote for you!

Voting ballots will be mailed no later than 30 days prior to the June Annual Board Meeting by our bookkeeper, Kay Hardy. They will be mailed by May 26, 2023. If you do not get a ballot, please contact Kay Hardy immediately for a duplicate ballot. Any duplication of ballots will be identified at the time the ballots are tabulated.

April 6, 2023

Posted on behalf of the Election Nominating Committee:
Bio of Rosaland Caldwell:
Hello to all. My name is Rosaland (Roz) Caldwell. I've been a resident of HLE since 1996. I have served most of those years on the board, taking periodic breaks

My career was in real estate and as a mortgage broker retiring in 1994. I served as President of the Polk County SPCA until I began an equine rescue ranch, a Texas non-profit. 
Why do I want to serve on the board again? Simply this...I care about Holiday Lake Estates, the residents in our community, and the future of HLE. I wish more property owners would join me in running for the board. We all have a major investment in the future of Holiday Lake Estates! Thank you.

March 22, 2023
Posted on behalf of the Election Nominating Committee: More postings to come.

Please make certain that you have received an invoice for maintenance fees. If you did not get a maintenance fee invoice, chances are you won’t get a ballot. If you have moved recently, make sure that you have notified Kay Hardy at 936-329-3660 or [email protected] to verify she has your correct address.

There are 2 board positions and 4 alternate positions available for this upcoming election in June.

Filing deadline is on or before Midnight April 15, 2023 to allow for property ownership vetting prior to the April Board Meeting. Legal property owners considering to be a candidate for the HLECC board should submit their name, contact information, and a brief statement about yourself to Nominating Committee at [email protected]. Candidates who send their submission via email will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours that their submission has been received.

Voting ballots will be mailed no later than 30 days prior to the June Annual Board Meeting by our bookkeeper, Kay Hardy. They will be mailed by May 26, 2023. If you do not get a ballot, please contact Kay Hardy immediately for a duplicate ballot. Any duplication of ballots will be identified at the time the ballots are tabulated.

Please consider running for the HLECC board! Deadline to submit is April 15th!

Our first Candidate is Gloria Wickes. Thank you, Gloria! Below is the bio she submitted:

Gloria C Wickes
160 County Rd
Goodrich Tx 77335-8102

Have been a resident for ten years in 2023.
Previous board member.
In my humble opinion, this is the most promising group of board members,
we have had in some time. Proud of them all.
Friended JR Redcay last summer during our water aerobics.
His parents are to be commended for his being such a responsible, polite
young man.
Willing to join this board, if elected, to serve our community, as needed,
to the best of my abilities.
Thank you Mike Jackson and Danny Davis for your generosity.
Thank you for your consideration.

“Upcoming 2023 Elections for HLECC Board Members”.
There are 2 board positions and 4 alternate positions available for this upcoming election in June.
Please consider serving your community & making a difference!
1. Filing deadline is on or before Midnight April 15, 2023 to allow for property ownership vetting prior to the April Board Meeting. Legal property owners considering to be a candidate for the HLECC board should submit their name, contact information, and a brief statement about yourself to Nominating Committee at [email protected]. Candidates who send their submission via email will receive a confirmation email within 48 hours that their submission has been received.
2. Candidates are encouraged to include a brief bio & statement of why you would like to be on the board (example: your goal/mission, etc.) and what experience you can offer that can assist in that endeavor. It is your opportunity to let people know who you are and why they should vote for you. This is not a requirement but all “profiles” and candidates will be posted for voters to review on the official HLECC FB pages & the HLECC Website.
3. All candidates must be current legal property owners.
4. According to Texas Property Code Section 209.00591. BOARD MEMBERSHIP. (b) If a board is presented with written, documented evidence from a database or other record maintained by a governmental law enforcement authority that a board member was convicted of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude not more than 20 years before the date the board is presented with the evidence, the board member is immediately ineligible to serve on the board of the property owners' association, automatically considered removed from the board, and prohibited from future service on the board. NOTE: Background checks will NOT be conducted on candidates for board membership.
5. Husband & wife nor anyone that co-habits with another can serve on the board at the same time per a State of Texas ruling.
6. No one person can be a candidate and be on the election committee at the same time.
NOTE: Please make certain that you have received an invoice for maintenance fees. If you did not get a maintenance fee invoice, chances are you won’t get a ballot. If you have moved recently or recently purchased your property, please make sure that you have notified Kay Hardy at 936-329-3660 or [email protected] to verify she has your correct address.

Posted 2/21/23

Good day to all.

February 25 at 9am is the regularly scheduled HLECC HOA Meeting.   At 12 noon we will host the final information session for 211 where the community can come and hear what 211 is about and how it can benefit Holiday Lake Estates.  Come with your questions and voice your concerns as all community members are welcome to attend.

The following are the bullet points of 211. What it is, why we need it, how it will be voted on, how it’s adoption can help the community.


211 Bullet Points

-Current process: the board needs 2/3 of the property owner’s votes to propose changes to anything in the by-laws which have been in place since the 1960’s. If 211 is passed, this gives the property owners who actively vote the voice and silences the dormant property owners. What this means is instead of 2/3 of total property owners within Holiday Lake Estates, we will need 2/3 of voting owners to have the majority.  With that, the people who vote will have the voice of the community.

-To pass 211, the 2/3’s rule is still in effect but only for the number of returned votes and not 2/3’s of total property owners. owners

-If 211 is passed and adopted, then property owners will have a chance to make a motion in one of the monthly board meetings to place an issue on the yearly ballot for the community to vote on, and the majority of the returned votes will be the decision.

-211 will not give the board all of the power; it awards the voting property owners the power.

-211 will not allow the board to tell you what color to paint your house, what type of grass or plants you must have, etc. It will, however, allow the board a better chance of enhancing the community in terms of common area upkeep; to include park maintenance, pool maintenance, boat ramps, clubhouse, and signage, among many other things the community needs.

-211 does not change the number of votes a property owner has. If you own 1 lot, you still have 1 vote; if you have 20 lots, you have 20 votes. The ONLY time each property owner has ONE vote is to vote on the 211 itself. This is from the state property code and not the by-laws of HLECC.

We invite the community members to come be a part of this discussion so please join us because, this is not only for your future but your kids and their kids.

Thank you and we hope you can attend.


Posted 1/30/2023

Hope everyone is staying dry, warm and doing well. This past weekend's meeting went very well, we had a good turnout of the community and thank you for attending. A few key topics were about the dogs running loose in the community and what can be done by the community to solve the problem. We also talked about 211 and when the next Town Hall Meetings will be held. The next meeting for 211 where the community can come and hear what 211 really is about and how it can benefit Holiday Lake Estates, ask questions and voice concerns will be held February 11th at 5PM and then there will be a follow up meeting February 25th at 12 noon which will be right after the monthly scheduled meeting that starts at 9am. Other things that were discussed were the work weeks where us as community volunteer a few hours on the third weekend of the month to do things such as mow, weed eat, clear trees from levees and pick up trash to help beautify the community. If you would like to volunteer you can get in touch with a board member and we would gladly let you know where to meet for that week however, we usually meet at the spillway between 8 and 8:30am the Saturday of that third week. Feel free to join us. Please be on the lookout for the meeting minutes in weeks ahead for more information. 

Posted 12/25/2022

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to everyone. This is a great community and we are excited to what this next year brings us. If we can all work together as a community we, us, as a community can make things better. God bless us all!!!

Posted 12/7/2022

Holiday Lake Estates Chapter 211 Information Sheet

Who:  HLE Residents and Board members

What:  Property Code Title 11. Restrictive Convents Chapter 211 process

When:  Dec 10, 2022 @ 4PM

Where:  HLE Community Center

Why:  Provide information and feedback to resident’s questions and concerns about the 211 process and outcomes.

The current restrictions were written by a developer many years ago who didn’t realize that participation in a subdivision is never going to be a majority of the property owners, so making a provision to allow the voting members to make decisions is the only way HLE will be able to change the restrictions and move forward with enough revenue to actually run the subdivision properly.    


(a)  A property owners' association by a two-thirds vote of the association's governing body may submit a procedure for amending restrictions to a vote of the property owners in the subdivision or in the unit or parcel of the subdivision governed by restrictions.

(b)  An amendment procedure submitted to a vote under Subsection (a) binds all property owners in the subdivision or the unit or parcel of the subdivision to which the procedure applies if more than two-thirds of the voting property owners vote in favor of the procedure.


CHAPTER 211. AMENDMENT AND ENFORCEMENT OF RESTRICTIONS IN CERTAIN SUBDIVISIONS. Property code Chapter 211. amendment and enforcement of restrictions in certain subdivisions. (n.d.). Retrieved October 31, 2022, from

Posted 11/10/2022

The next HLE Board Meeting will be held at the Club House on December 10th due to the Thanksgiving Holiday, we hope that you can join us and have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.

Also, there will be a community workday for all that would like to help beautify HLE. We will meet at the spillway 8:00am to 8:30am on Saturday November 19th if anyone wants to help!!  We had 13 Residents at the last one and was able to get so much done!! Hope to see you there!!

Posted 10/21/2022

PLEASE NOTE - With all the water lines being damaged by the fiber cable contractor,  Pixley Water Works is following the State of Texas guidelines, this is not a mandatory notice but a PRECAUTIONARY notice..This notice will be in place until the fiber optic contractor has completed their work. 

Posted October 12th

Workday for all that would like to help beautify HLE. We will meet at the spillway 8:00am to 8:30am on Saturday if anyone wants to help!! 

POSTED   5 August 2022

SUBJECT TO CHANGED WITHOUT NOTICE:  Should you have any questions regarding pool hours, please call Debra Walker at 936-433-7366. 

Pool Hours / Days

Tuesday - Sunday  2:00 pm - 5:30 pm

No changes to Ladies Water Aerobics
Monday - Friday: 9 – 10am Ladies Water Aerobics



Family (up to 5) - $50

Single (1) - $20

Daily (with membership) - $1

Daily (without membership) - $2

Pool Watchers & Their Guests - $0

Private Party Rental:

Pool (6pm – 10pm) - $100 rental; $100 deposit (refunded if they leave the premises the same as when they took possession)


HLE 61st Anniversary T-Shirts:

S – XL $15; 2XXL $18 (all proceeds go towards the pool fund)


The Community Center is now available for group events. Please contact a member of the Social Committee for information and available dates.  Sharon West  281-923-5553  [email protected]


25 June 2022

Elected HLE Board Members for 2022-2023

Matthew G. Redcay Sr. - Accepted, Co-Chairperson
Lawrence "Larry" Lambert - Accepted
Beverly Haven - Accepted, Finance
Sheila Carniotos - Accepted, Communications
Ceceilia Berlanga - Accepted, Social/Recreation
Matthew G. Redcay Jr. - Accepted, Parks/Aquatics
Jim Green - Accepted, Parks/Aquatics

Remaining Board Members stand as:

Beci Largent, Chairperson
Kimberly Boyette, Secretary
James Mullins, Website
Daniel Adams, Parks/Aquatics
Sharon West, Social/Recreation

We would like to welcome these new members to the HLE Board.  We look forward to working with the new members on all 
current and future issues for the betterment of our HLE Community.


There are several Groups on Facebook run by homeowners in Holiday Lake Estates.
To get the latest official information, please be sure to join the "Holiday Lake Estates Civic Club" Facebook Group.  This is the only Facebook Group sanctioned by the Holiday Lake Estates Property Owners Association.
Looking forward to seeing you there! 




Click Here Procedure to report Deed Restriction Violations

This is the home page of the Holiday Lake Estates Civic Club, Inc. We represent a property owners association of a subdivision located 75 miles north of Houston adjacent to the Sam Houston National Forest. Our mission is to help protect, maintain and preserve the properties owned by association members and to enhance the quality of life of the families in our community. The Board of Directors anticipate that this website will enable our residents to be informed about activities in our neighborhood as well as to learn about the governing documents affecting the subdivision.

We hope that our property owners will participate in the association by attending Board Meetings, volunteering to help maintain the parks and common lands owned by the community and promptly paying maintenance fees when invoiced. These annual assessments along with proper adherence to the subdivision's by-laws and deed restrictions will help maintain the appearance of our neighborhood and keep property values high for the benefit of all residents